Tips To Avoid Holiday Mishaps

There are several tips to avoid holiday mishaps so you can spend your holidays enjoying time with friends and family rather than filing a claim with your insurer.

Prevent firesClaims tied to fires at homes increase 15% during the holiday season and candles are often the culprit. It is recommended keeping lit candles away from children and pets and walking through the house at night to make sure all candles are extinguished. Never use candles to decorate a Christmas tree and don’t use lights on your tree that are broken. Keep the tree watered so it won’t dry out and become a fire hazard and keep it away from the fireplace.

When decorating outside, only use lights and extension cords specified for the outdoors and don’t overload outlets when creating your holiday display.

To avoid holiday mishaps when baking holiday goodies, you should check your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors to make sure they are working. Also know where your fire extinguisher is and how to use it. If you do plan to fry a turkey, make sure you do it outside several feet away from your home or any structures. Some insurance companies see three times more turkey-fryer claims during the holidays than at other times of the year. Never put a frozen turkey into a fryer – it will shoot off like a missile.

Avoid sewage backups. When cooking your holiday meals, don’t pour grease or dispose of waste in the sink to avoid clogging the drain, which can lead to sewer problems. Sewage-backup claims increase during the holidays.

Deter theft. It is reported that insurance claims for theft increase 7% during the holidays. So, don’t leave gifts under the Christmas tree in plain view because it’s an invitation to burglars. Keep the shades closed, put your tree in a room that doesn’t face the street, or keep gifts hidden until you actually give them.

When shopping, don’t advertise purchases on social media or announce that you’re away from home at a store by using a check-in service. Thieves take advantage of such information on social media sites to find victims. And don’t leave purchases in the passenger compartment of an unattended vehicle. Keep them locked in your trunk.

Reduce liability risks. Keep your walkway clear of ice and snow so that guests don’t slip and injure themselves. Keep your pet confined so that it can’t hurt anyone delivering packages to your home or guests at a party. And most importantly, be a responsible host if you have a holiday gathering. Encourage guest to have a designated driver and stop serving alcohol toward the end of the evening.